Having read so much abt this movie, its a pity i had waited this long to finally watch it. even though the dvd had been lying around for a while, i had resisted the temptation to watch it for the fear of not wanting to bloody my weekend. but alas, it was nothing like wat i feared.
it was a pleasure relishing a good cinema. at the outset the director strikes me as someone who has chosen to rebel. he has chosen to give the story not much weight but has tried to make the 'making' or the 'story-telling' different and gripping.
the story is a simple one of revenge. but the way it has been told keeps u guessing and hooked on. it is raining gun shots through out. the songs breathe so much life to this movie. the songs make it look sexier, lovelier and a more human story. but for those b'ful songs,'kala re' keeps playing in my mind, the movie would hv been a dry skeleton of plots and murders. even the funeral song and the charecteristic singer who brings in his own flavor to the movie stand out.
it is a sleeve of plots, charecters, scores settled and murders, holed with lively songs. Nawazuddin sidique comes across as the lead who aces it all. He grows in stature from a stoned guy to the don who has is way in all his deals. challenges keep rising and he aces them all, until he is done in by a confidante he nurtured.
the plots come in varying hues and shapes, they r at times funny as in 'defnite's case, at times sticky as in 'perpendiculars', political and cunning as in 'Ramadhir's..etc
the movie takes u on a tour de force thru the goonda lands of Bihar and Jharkand and lets u have a good time amidst all their gun shots, in bringing to life some 'made only in Bihar' carricatures of 'perpendicular' and 'defnite', interesting plots, heroics, follies,funny adventures and a voluptuous heroine hanging around.
it was a pleasure relishing a good cinema. at the outset the director strikes me as someone who has chosen to rebel. he has chosen to give the story not much weight but has tried to make the 'making' or the 'story-telling' different and gripping.
the story is a simple one of revenge. but the way it has been told keeps u guessing and hooked on. it is raining gun shots through out. the songs breathe so much life to this movie. the songs make it look sexier, lovelier and a more human story. but for those b'ful songs,'kala re' keeps playing in my mind, the movie would hv been a dry skeleton of plots and murders. even the funeral song and the charecteristic singer who brings in his own flavor to the movie stand out.
it is a sleeve of plots, charecters, scores settled and murders, holed with lively songs. Nawazuddin sidique comes across as the lead who aces it all. He grows in stature from a stoned guy to the don who has is way in all his deals. challenges keep rising and he aces them all, until he is done in by a confidante he nurtured.
the plots come in varying hues and shapes, they r at times funny as in 'defnite's case, at times sticky as in 'perpendiculars', political and cunning as in 'Ramadhir's..etc
the movie takes u on a tour de force thru the goonda lands of Bihar and Jharkand and lets u have a good time amidst all their gun shots, in bringing to life some 'made only in Bihar' carricatures of 'perpendicular' and 'defnite', interesting plots, heroics, follies,funny adventures and a voluptuous heroine hanging around.