Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chennai 600028

This is a cool movie.
I had not watched movies for almost 2 months since leaving HCL, an affront to my movie watching craze that used to be as good as watching 2 to 3 movies a week when i was in HCL. I had got so fed up of watching movies all alone that at one point i decided i would hereafter go for a movie only if i had a pair ( ofcourse of the opp sex).

Having waited for more than two months and having missed two films that had hit the theateres in a big way, that made ppl stop and take stock of them in an imppressive way, i was standing aside still waiting for a pair. Then i thot it was time i watched the 2 movies- unnale and chn28. So made time this weekend to watch them.

Unnale is good only for the songs and the refreshing face of tanisha.

chn 28, made me just sit back n enjoy . i felt sad that the movie ended . i just wished the simple fun kept going. My frnds who had already seen the movie were talking so much abt the movie that i had heard most of the movie b4 i saw it onscreen. but that only helped me app the movie better.
Chn 28 is a simple movie, so rich in the portrayal of the different charecters that u can very much relate the cahrs with the ppl we come across in our neighbourhood. All the charecters seem to have been taken straight out of real life.
The music is lively, makes u wanna gang up together and rock( jalsa and mela eri varom) . The bgm for the matches reminds u of a pub atmosphere. 'Yaro' is an all capturing melody. All actors have jus lived their roles naturally , seemingly without an effort. You can only be left awestruck with the ease and execution of the performances. Too good.
U jus wished life were as simple and full of fun as chn 28.

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